Every Race
Every Race
2009, 18" by 24"
By Philip M. Stevenson
This painting is by deceased grand master artist and engineer Philip M. Stevenson. Philip grew up in Rochester, NY. He is one of two middle children and the younger brother of Wendy B. Spector, Ardra Vanessa's mother. He spent his career developing the technology that is blood sequencing and recognition. He developed this life-saving technology in Silicon Valley, California. It is the reason you can go into any lab and get your blood tested. Philip helped develop the blood analyzer and was considered one of the original 'Three Amigos of Silicon Valley'. A team made up of engineers and biological researchers in the 1970s. This is when they, as a team established Sequoia Turner, a company that is now part of Abbott Laboratories. In March of 2021, Philip passed away. Ardra Vanessa was by his bedside where she was to learn that she would inherit his painting collection. A collection of abstract paintings very similar to her own. A collection of paintings that her uncle was modest about and didn't exhibit- ever. His talent was enormous and while this may have been just a hobby for him, he was talented on many levels and gave a voice to his thoughts and feelings that most art collectors and artists greatly admire. Six months after Philip passed, Ardra Vanessa lost her mother as well and inherited her painting in addition, which can be seen here.